
Savings - A Vehicle To Accomplish Your Dreams

What is margin? How does it relate to savings?

Margin allows you to create space within your financial life to weather unexpected challenges and seize future opportunities without compromising your relationship or your dreams. Creating margin through savings can give you the ability to accomplish your dreams freely! 

There are two types of margin you should have in place: 

  1. Cash On Hand Savings (Financial Reserves)

  2. Monthly Savings (Operational Margin)

1.  Cash On Hand Savings (Financial Reserves)

Having money set aside in savings is the foundation for financial security. It enables you to focus on your goals and aspirations without constantly worrying about making ends meet. Financial reserves allow you to contemplate and invest in your future, whether that involves buying a home, starting a business, or embarking on exciting adventures. It's like having a safety net that ensures you can handle unexpected expenses without strain. In short, cash on hand allows you to sleep a lot better at night!

GOAL: Aim to have at least three months' worth of operating expenses saved in your emergency fund. This ensures you can navigate through challenging times without jeopardizing your financial stability.

2.  Monthly Savings (Operational Margin)

Operational margin for couples is all about managing your expenses in a way that allows you to consistently save money each month. Having a surplus of funds each month not only ensures that your current bills are covered without depleting your financial reserves but also paves the way for realizing your dreams.

GOAL: Strive for a 15 to 20-percent profit margin in your budget. This margin will enable you to start funding your cash-on-hand savings and accelerate your journey toward achieving your dreams.

Accomplishing Your Dreams Through Margin:

Through the margin created by savings, you will be able to experience: 

  • Financial Freedom: Savings creates a financial safety net that allows you to pursue your dreams with confidence. Whether it's starting a business, starting a family, taking a dream vacation, or investing in further education, having savings provides you with the freedom to turn your dreams into reality.

  • Reduced Stress: Savings also eases the financial stress that can strain a daily life. With surplus funds each month, you can focus on financially thriving and making plans for the future, rather than worrying about making ends meet.

  • Shared Goals: When you work to maintain and build your savings, you'll naturally identify your dreams and aspirations, creating a defined vision for your future.

  • Flexibility: Whether you decide to change careers, relocate, or pursue a new passion, having margin in your finances ensures you have the resources to make those choices without hesitation.

By prioritizing savings, you can create a solid financial foundation that gives you the freedom to accomplish your dreams. So, where are you on this journey toward financial margin, and what dreams will you pursue? Remember, savings is your vehicle to accomplish your dreams!

How Do I Start Saving?

Are you tired of the never-ending struggle to save money? Do you find yourself caught in a cycle of starting to save, losing track, and then starting over again?

It's time to take a step back and evaluate your foundation. Is it the RIGHT foundation to help you achieve your financial plans, hopes, and dreams?

  • Have you set your financial goals? (What are you working towards…)

  • Do you have an emergency fund built for when life happens? (Are you protecting yourself with the right insurance: health, home, car, disability, etc)

  • Prepare for known, upcoming expenses. (Like birthdays, insurance premiums, property taxes, etc. These should not bust your budget!)

After reviewing your foundation, start prioritizing your savings. Treat saving money with the same level of importance as paying bills. Consider it a debt owed to yourself. Recognize that saving money is a choice and prioritize it over non-essential expenses.

A few tips:

  • Separate Your Savings: To prevent accidental spending, move your savings to a separate bank account. This separation creates a mental barrier and makes it less tempting to dip into your savings for impulsive purchases.

  • Use Cash Envelopes for Specific Expenses: For impulsive cash areas like groceries, dining out, entertainment, and clothing, use cash envelopes. Allocate a fixed amount for each category and stick to it!

  • Reevaluate Subscriptions and Daily Habits: Identify and cut out unnecessary membership subscriptions or daily habits that drain your finances. Do you need every single streaming platform? Probably not.

  • Seek Better Insurance Deals: Consider changing insurance providers for home and auto to potentially find better deals.

Remember, it's never too late to start saving – the key is to take that first step and stay consistent on your financial journey!

What Is Your Why

Do you have a vision for your money? Have you identified your WHY?

When you receive those precious Washingtons, Lincolns, Hamiltons, Jacksons, and Franklins, do you have a clear idea for the utilization of each one of them? Or is that money dead on arrival – doomed to be sent on its way without advancing you toward your life’s plans, hopes, and dreams – your Fully Funded Life?

Without a clear vision, it is highly likely that the money will disappear with little to no progress. After all, there are so many things competing for your dollars:

  • Housing

  • Utilities

  • Kids

  • Food

  • Student Loans

  • Automobiles

  • Insurance

  • Gasoline

And everything in between! When we experience financial setbacks, which will occur often, it can be easy to just give in and give up saying soothing statements like:

  • “We just can’t ever seem to get ahead financially.”

  • “We’ll never win with money.”

  • “I need to win the lottery.”

I encourage you to write down your vision for the money you’ll be receiving between now and the rest of the year. You’ve still got five months to experience a massive shift toward your preferred financial future! Get started today!

5 Proven Strategies To Save Money

I am a HUGE fan of savings accounts.   I am an even HUGER (I made up that word) fan of savings accounts with money in them!

Here are some proven strategies for piling up HUGE CHUNKS of money in your savings account:

  • Save the “magic month” paycheck

    • If you are paid weekly, you normally receive four paychecks a month, but there are four months each year where you receive FIVE paychecks.   Budget and live your life on four paychecks per month and you will be able to save the extra paycheck every three months!    

    • Paid bi-weekly?   Budget and live your life on two paychecks per month, and you will be able to save the extra paycheck during those two magic months each year when you get three paychecks.

  • Save the TAX REFUND

    • As a spender, I know that the word “fun” is right in the middle of the word refund. However, maybe the right thing for you to do this year is to SAVE your tax refund.

  • Automatically send 10% of paycheck to savings

    • If the money makes it home in the paycheck, it is at risk of special magic disappearing acts – even for the most conservative of people.   Set it and forget it.   You won’t regret it.

  • Save the BONUS

    • Don’t spend it – just this once.   Put it into savings.   It is amazing how great it feels to be able to say, “NO!”, to yourself and put your BONUS into the savings account. It gives you the feeling that you truly are in control of your money!

  • Sell something

    • The old RC airplane in the garage just needs to go.   So do the bikes that you don’t ride.   So does the boat you use once per year – it’s cheaper to rent one when you need it.   Put the money into savings.   You will end up with a cleaner and neater garage and attic and a plump savings account!

Remember, we each have a unique financial journey, so it's important to adapt these strategies to suit your specific circumstances and goals. The road to financial stability and security is paved with consistent saving habits. Start implementing these strategies today and you'll be well on your way to achieving your fully funded life.

3 Ways To Save Money

One of the largest issues I see during our one-on-one financial coaching meetings is the inability to save money.

Here are some facts about saved money:

  • Saving money is essential to long-term sustainability

  • Saved money relieves stress

  • Saved money allows you to take a chance

  • Saved money allows life to happen (job loss, disability, pay cut, injury, etc.) without going broke!

But you already knew that part.  We all know that we are supposed to “save money for a rainy day.” Yet, even though we KNOW how important it is to save money, most people fail to do so. However, if you do not save, you can not prosper.

I challenge YOU to take the next step. If you have negative savings (no money plus overdrafted accounts and debt), the goal is to bring you to zero. If you are at zero savings, the goal is to get to at least $2,500 in a beginner emergency fund.  If you have been able to save a substantial amount of money, it is my hope that you will participate in the discussion and share your own tips that have worked well for you.

Automatic Draft From Paycheck

Establish a savings account and have the money drafted from every single paycheck.  Whether it is $25 or $250 per pay period – just SAVE!  You KNOW that the car is going to break down.  You KNOW that the school is going to send home a surprise expense.

Establishing this draft, it allows the money to be “out-of-sight.”  When money is out-of-sight, it can be out-of-mind.  This allows the account to grow without you robbing it!

Now, I personally had a problem with this when I did not have a monthly budget.  I would ROB my own savings account about 2.1 microseconds after I was paid.  Only after I had a plan developed together with my bride, Jenn, did my savings account begin growing in a healthy manner.

Create An Escrow Account For Known, Upcoming Expenses

For those unfamiliar with an escrow account, it is a savings account that is established by a mortgage company.  The mortgage company totals the annual cost of property taxes and homeowner’s insurance and divides it by the number of payments being made each year.  The mortgage company then pays for the taxes and insurance from this escrow (savings) account.  For example, if the property taxes are $1,200/year and the insurance is $600, then the total amount needed each year is $1,800.  The mortgage company will collect $150 extra with each monthly payment to place into the escrow account.

An escrow account smooths out the cost over a year – instead of having to pay for it all in one month.  It tightens the monthly budget, but having a fully funded escrow account sure is AWESOME when vacation arrives and the money has already been saved to pay cash for it!  Those who have a mortgage with an escrow account will testify to the fact that they never worry about paying for the taxes and insurance – ask someone!

Establish Accountability

Find someone who is:

  • winning with money,

  • not trying to sell you something

  • available to help you.

Ask them to hold you accountable to your saving goal.  I have seen some people go to the extreme length of actually giving the money to the other individual to hold for them because they cannot trust themselves to keep their own hands off of it.

Accountability can also be created by your written spending plan that you prepare every month before the month begins (you do prepare one, right?).  This plan helps cement your goals in your mind and helps you connect the fact that if you spend money on unplanned items, you will literally be robbing yourself of your savings goals.

I am married – which means I have built-in accountability.  Jenn is a huge saver.  She keeps me (the spender) in control. Establish accountability – it works!

Saving For KUEs

There are three things we should ALWAYS be saving for. 

  1. Emergencies

  2. Known Upcoming Non-Monthly Expenses

  3. Dreams 

Of these three, our focus today is on KUE’s - the known upcoming non-monthly expenses. This savings bucket can tend to be difficult and can create budget issues.

Here’s why:

  1. They are non-monthly  Because of this, we tend to forget about them until they show up

  2. They are usually larger expenses  Property taxes, insurance premiums, Christmas, vacation, car maintenance, and repairs, and insurance deductibles usually have larger price tags than typical monthly expenses

  3. We don’t save for the expenses monthly  We wait until the bill arrives and then we are forced to scramble in an attempt to pay for it

If not saved for probably these known expenses can become budget-crushing expenses!

Here’s a step-by-step way for you to eliminate “Budget Crushing Expenses” from your life:

  1. Download our free “Known Upcoming Expenses Calculator” tool HERE.

  2. Enter all your “Known Upcoming Expenses” into the tool – include the annual expense of each line item.

  3. Enter your “# of Pay Periods Per Year” into the tool – enter “12” if paid monthly, “26” if paid every 2 weeks, “52” if paid weekly, and “24” if paid twice each month.

  4. You have now calculated the amount you need to save out of each paycheck to ensure all of your Known Upcoming Non-Monthly Expenses are covered.

Financial Event Update: The Banking Crisis

Let’s talk about the banking crisis, what happened, and what it means for you. 

What Happened:

Interest rates are so low for so long, that the government sells their debt at the prevailing interest rates and they sell US treasuries.

SVB Bank was putting their depositor's money into these two-year, five-year, and ten-year treasuries. Well, that means they have to hold them for two years, five years, or ten years, or they have to sell them on a secondary market.

With the economic decline, some of SVB Bank's depositors came in and started taking more of their money out than the bank had readily available, some of what was in these treasury bonds.

These treasury bonds had declined in value. Why? Because the Federal Reserve had increased interest rates, making the bonds less valuable. So SVB Bank went to the secondary market and was auctioning several billion dollars worth of these treasuries to be able to get cash to give to their depositors.

When several billion dollars worth of US treasuries hit the secondary market, people begin to talk. And, quickly found out SVB Bank was doing this. Word ran really fast in a digital age and many people raced to the bank to get their money!

And the next thing you know, SVB Bank was on the verge of collapse and ended up going into receivership. As a result, the bank’s depositors would have lost their money if it was outside of FDIC insurance.  With FDIC insurance, the federal government stepped in and made sure all depositors’ money was backed up.

Here is the lesson:

The lesson is that everybody, including very smart bankers, got stuck on low-interest rates and didn't keep themselves with enough margin or enough liquidity to be able to think about what could happen if rates started going up and they couldn't transfer fast enough when the rates increased so greatly.

What could you do personally?

Well, make sure that your deposits, if you have the issue of a lot of cash, don't exceed the FDIC insurance amount. Maybe have your deposits at multiple banks. That's one way that you can secure your money, so that when you need it, when you demand it, you can go get it, get fired up, and have a fully funded life!

Sustain Good Financial Decisions: Automate Your Banking

We’ve all had moments where we have firmly stated our resolve to do something different with our money. Usually, the outburst follows a negative financial outcome. Perhaps we’ve overspent on our vacation. Maybe we have the starting realization that there is no money in the college fund for our high school senior. It could be that we’ve dipped into the overdraft account again. Whatever the case may be, it causes us to commit to better financial management.

Here are some common statements people make in these moments:

  • “I’m going to start preparing a written budget each month.”

  • “I’m increasing my contributions to the retirement plan.”

  • “Let’s open a 529 college savings plan and begin making monthly contributions.”

  • “I’m cutting up the credit cards.”

There is just one problem with each of these statements: saying it doesn’t make it true.

For every statement and moment where we commit to better financial decisions, one must actually do the work to follow through. And, my friends, we all know that it is truly hard work. Life is so busy. We’re exhausted. Plus, many of these decisions require information and knowledge we may not currently possess. This is a recipe for failure to follow through on really good financial decisions.

And we’ve all been there, haven’t we?

Let’s flip the script, and put in place some “best practices” that can really help us sustain these good financial decisions so that we can reap the benefits they can provide us: fully funded lives, dreams accomplished, and freedom to live generously.

Sustain Good Financial Decisions – AUTOMATE

Many good financial decisions can be followed through with automation! This is perhaps the easiest and best tip possible because it is literally a “set it and forget it” solution that ensures your financial decision is put into practice. If there is any possible way to automate your decision, do it.

Here are some great examples of using automation:

  • Committed to save money every month for the annual family vacation? Set up automatic drafts from your bill paying account to your savings account.

  • Want to help your child with college expenses? Open a 529 college savings account and establish automatic drafts.

  • Ready to up your retirement investments? Log in to your 401k (or similar RSP) account and adjust the automatic contribution.

  • Want to ensure your retirement money is put to work right away instead of sitting in a savings or money market account? Establish automatic investment selections.

  • Want to ensure all of your bills are paid on time? Automate every single bill payment. As an added bonus, you will spend far less time paying bills!

  • Want to ensure your retirement investments become more secure as you approach retirement? Choose a targeted retirement date investment fund that will automatically become less risky as you near retirement.

What good financial decisions have you been making that could leverage the power of automation to ensure they are sustained into the future?

0% Balance Transfer Credit Cards

Do you carry a balance on your credit card from month to month? If so, you are likely paying hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in interest year after year. You should consider transferring your balance to a 0% Balance Transfer Credit Card.

A 0% balance transfer credit card provides a way to eliminate credit card debt very quickly and can provide HUGE savings over keeping a balance on a high-interest card.

Many people look at 0% Balance Transfer Credit Card offers and wonder, “What’s the catch?” Is the interest rate really 0%? 

The answer is, “YES!” Many of these offers do, however, have a small transfer fee – usually around 3%. 


Suppose you transfer a balance of $5,000 from a card that has a 21.99% interest rate. You apply for a 0% balance transfer credit card. This offer comes with a 3% balance transfer fee, but it also provides 0% for 18 months.

Upon acceptance of your application, the 3% balance transfer fee ($150) will be applied to your balance on the new credit account making your total balance owed equal $5,150 ($5,000 balance that was transferred PLUS the $150 balance transfer fee).

Now comes the good part! You now owe 0% interest for the 18-month period – as long as you make all of your payments on time, of course. 

Let’s take a look at cost if you did not switch to the 0% balance transfer card. Assuming you made no additional charges and paid only the minimum payment due each month, you would have paid $1,162.70 in interest over the 18-month period!!

By taking 15 minutes to do a little research and apply for a 0% interest card, you can eliminate hundreds or thousands of dollars in interest and accelerate your debt freedom date.